Season 6 - How do you measure progress?

There are many ways to measure progress along your weight loss journey.

The scales, Body Mass Index, DEXA scan, progress photos, measurements...and more.

In this episode of the show we break down all main methods out there you can use to measure your progress and discuss all the pros and cons.

Which ones are a waste of time? Which ones are useful some of the time? Which ones are the gold standard?

We wrap up the show by discussing our methods of progress measurement that we use successfully with ourselves personally and with all of our clients. is where you can reach us and we'd love to hear from you!


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3. "Why overweight people fail at weight loss" - Our free webinar that covers the 3 key mistakes people make with their weight loss attempts...and how to avoid them

4. The Free Fat-Loss E-Course - A 6-day course that will get you refocused and back on track with your journey!

5. The Wall of Fame - Looking for some inspiration? Look no further than some of the people we've worked with!

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Melissa (In Progress)'s Story

My current goals are to lose 2 clothing sizes so that I can fit back into my expensive dresses and feel confident about wearing a bikini. I want to be able to see myself in pictures with my family without cringing because of my back fat. I want a nice round butt and a flat stomach. I ride horses and I'm tired of being the fatty at the barn. Everyone else looks great and I look like shit. I feel really insecure about it, and being out of shape certainly affects my athletic performance. I'm super pissed that I've spent so much of my life upset about my body. It sucks the joy out of my life sometimes because I feel so self conscious. When I fail for the 500th time, I feel like absolute shit about myself. I hate feeling guilty because I'm not doing what I know I need to do. I know I can do better but I haven't been able to get there. I'm tired of feeling out of control and I'm ready to make a permanent change.

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